Sunday, January 13, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 18 (Jan. 14/13)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!
Hope this finds you and your family WELL and happy as another week begins. There seem to be a few "bugs" on the go, so please encourage your son/daughter to get lots of rest, drink plenty of liquids, and wash their hands often. If they need to miss time due to illness, please call the school to let us know and make sure that he/she gets the work missed. The flu that's around doesn't seem to get that this is "crunch time" for high school students!! Final Exams begin on January 28 which is the week after next!

Upcoming Dates to Note:
15    Positive Choices Assembly for Grade 11 and 12 students

18    Trades Expo in caf- 1:15 p.m.
28    BLOCK A Final Exam- 9 a.m.
29    BLOCK B Final Exam- 9 a.m.
30    BLOCK C Final Exam- 9 a.m.
       Nicole to CASAA Winter Board Meeting in Toronto (Jan. 30-Feb. 3)
31    BLOCK D Final Exam- 9 a.m.

1      Turnaround Day- No classes
4      First Day of Semester 2
7      Principals' Meeting- Nicole out
18    Islander Day- No classes

Our Community Works Council will be collecting non-perishable food items in aid of the Salvation Army throughout January. Donations can be made by students through their home room where they will be given a ballot to win a free cafeteria meal. Community donations can be dropped off at the Main Office. The basic needs some local families have do not end with the holidays. Philanthropy begins at home, so please be generous!

The Community Works Council is also partnering with students in 
Mr. Chisholm's Global Issues class to run a clothing drive from January 14-25. The beginning of a new year is a great time to go through your 
old clothes and donate those that you may no longer be wearing. Don't forget to check through your old winter gear too (coats, hats, mittens, etc) as these items are in demand during these cold winter months. Contact or for more information.


Tickets for home games played by the Summerside Storm at Credit Union Place can be purchased through the Phys Ed Office or Main Office at TOSH for $5. All proceeds from these ticket sales goes to TOSH Athletics! The next home games are January 18 at 7 p.m and January 20 at 2 p.m.


The Leadership 621 class and SADD group here have worked together to offer a session for Grade 11 and 12 students on the topic of positive choices and substance abuse on Tuesday, January 15. This will take about 40 minutes during Block B that day. Grade 10 students were already exposed to this topic during their TEAM 2015 day back in September. Speaker Alex Poole will be addressing our students and sharing his personal story.

This expo, which will be held in the cafeteria, will feature career 
exploration activities and will provide students with information regarding careers in Trades and Technologies programs at Holland College. Reps will be on hand to discuss awards, bursaries and the application process. There will also be information about Apprenticeship Training as a post-secondary education option and how to complete training requirements and final exam to achieve a Red Seal. A representative will be on hand to discuss the PEI Provincial Skills Competitions and how getting involved can further benefit ones future in this area. 

We have seen an increase in dress code violations lately, despite the cold weather. The specifics are found in the student agenda and I will be reviewing these with our students on Monday over the PA. Infractions seem to mostly be skirts that are very short (shorter than the finger tips when held by their side) and shirts that are worn off the shoulder, showing bra or spaghetti straps. Please take the time to review our dress code expectations with your son/daughter and be diligent when they are getting their fashions ready for school in the morning. I know I have had to turn my own kids around in the past and send them back upstairs to choose an outfit that is more appropriate for school. 


To the AAA Women's Basketball team for winning the Charlottetown Rural Confederation City Classic tournament on the weekend! Individual award winners from TOSH were:

Becky Clark- Player of the Game (Final) and Tournament All-Star!
Erica Gillis- Tournament MVP and Player of the Game against Sackville High
Jaime MacLean- Player of the Game against Tantramar High
Michaela Walker- Player of the Game against Colonel Gray

To the AAA Men's Basketball team for their silver medal finish at the Charlottetown Rural Confederation City Classic tournament on the weekend! They finished the tournament with 3 wins and 1 loss, which was a close game against Charlottetown Rural in the final.

To Julien Caron for writing to PEI Education Minister, Alan MacIsaac with his comments and concerns and securing himself an audience with the Minister here at TOSH last week!

To Andrew Brawn, Brett Poirier, Brandon Adams, Alex DesRoches, Andrew Richardson (LED 621) and the members of SADD for helping to plan the Positive Choices assembly this week.

To Becca Gallant for having her persuasive essay for Mr. Hockin's ENG 621 course published in the Journal Pioneer on Saturday!

Challenge: Encourage your son/daughter to start reviewing for final exams in his/her courses sooner rather than later!

Quote of the Week: "There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility for changing them."~ Denis Waitley

Have a wonderful week!

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