Sunday, June 9, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 37 (June 10, 2013)

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians! 

Let the final exams begin!! Our Grade 12 students would have spent a busy weekend in preparation for their final assessments that begin on Monday. Please note the exam schedule below for ALL students! If you have any questions or concerns about your son/daughter's schedule, please contact us in the Main Office. Attendance during exam week is mandatory, so if your son/daughter misses an exam for any reason, you will need to speak with an administrator right away!

Please take the time to read the section below entitled "Graduation 2013" for important information!!

TOAD 2013 was an incredible success, and I am tagging on some pictures to the end of this post for you to enjoy. This will likely be a longer than usual entry because we have so much to celebrate this time of year! We held our Extra-Curricular Awards assembly last week to recognize our Grade 12 students who dedicated many hours of time and talent to extra-curricular activities during their time at Three Oaks. Every 10 hours of involvement equals one "point" and these are assigned by coaches and advisors each year to a maximum of 20 points/activity/year. Students who accumulate 500 hours of involvement receive an extra-curricular award Certificate and those who accumulate 1000+ points receive a Certificate and a Pin. This graduating class had 170 members involved in point accumulation and the number of collective hours was staggering! Involvement in extra-curricular activities provides an important sense of belonging at school and offers huge opportunities for personal growth and friendships. We will be encouraging our students to get involved again this coming September so start talking that up at home!

Upcoming Dates to Note in June:

**PLEASE NOTE: All exams begin at 9 a.m. and end at 11:30 a.m. Students who wish to leave the exam room early may do so when the early bell rings at 10:30 a.m. There will be no access to lockers until 11:30 a.m. and students must use the phone/exit the building through the gym hallway.**
        Regular Classes for Grades 10 and 11 
        NOTE: Those Grade 10 and 11 students who are enrolled in courses beginning with "8" or "6"  
                  write their final exam in the Grade 12 schedule
        Regular Classes for Grades 10 and 11 
        NOTE: Those Grade 10 and 11 students who are enrolled in courses beginning with "8" or "6"  
                  write their final exam in the Grade 12 schedule
12    GRADE 10, 11, & 12 FINAL EXAMS- BLOCK C
13    GRADE 10, 11 & 12 FINAL EXAMS- BLOCK D
14    GRADE 10 & 11 FINAL EXAMS- BLOCK A   

18    Grad List Posted- 9 a.m. in TOSH main foyer
20    Graduation Breakfast- 9 a.m. in TOSH cafeteria
        Rehearsal- approx. 10:30 a.m. Buses leave from TOSH to the CUP
        Graduation- Credit Union Place- 7 p.m. (Open Admission)
        Safe Grad to follow- Permission forms were given to Grade 12 students last week
25    Report Cards for Grades 10 & 11: 9-10:30 a.m.
28    School Closes for the Summer!


The TOSH Climate Crew was formed this past school year and will be taking on a more defined role next year. We are looking for members who want to make a positive impact on school climate and who are willing to help plan and participate in activities that help students form "connections" at our school (Welcome Back Barbeque for new students in Sept., TOSH TEAM 2016 Day during Welcome Back Week, Climate Days, Guest Speakers, etc.) 
Sign ups will take place Monday and Tuesday during both breaks and noon hour in front of the Lecture Theatre. If interested, please encourage your son/daughter to sign up!


Well parents, it's almost that time!! If it's any consolation, I know the variety of emotions you are feeling as you consider what it will be like to watch your baby cross our graduation stage. I will be celebrating my third child's accomplishment in as many years on June 20, and I will be there to proudly welcome your son/daughter on stage and congratulate him/her on this important night. The ceremony starts at 7 p.m. SHARP so please plan to arrive and be seated at the CUP before that time. Only graduates, staff, and VIP's will be seated on the floor area, but there is no bad seat at the CUP, and you will have lots of opportunity to take pictures during and following the ceremony. We have 275 graduates this year and we have streamlined our program to aim for a two and a half hour event. We'll see!

GRAD INFO:  Grads are asked to check the lists that are posted in the Main Foyer of the school to be sure that the names/wording is correct. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WILL BE READ ON STAGE when your son/daughter comes up to get his/her diploma and we want to be sure we have it right! Some things to consider are: marital status (parents may want names read separately rather than together, step-parents/parent partners included or not, names of deceased parents included (the "late") or not, etc. Please check in with your child to see that he/she did this (it will help save any hurt or bad feelings on graduation night) and let us know in the office right away if any changes need to be made. We will also be checking the pronunciation of names with your child at rehearsal as needed.

GRAD REHEARSAL:  All graduates are invited to attend the (free!) Grad Breakfast in the school cafeteria on June 20 at 9 a.m. Buses will leave from TOSH for the rehearsal at the CUP around 10:30 a.m. The class picture for the newspaper will be taken there that morning. This rehearsal allows all grads to see how things will flow during the "show" that evening, so it is important that all attend! Buses will return students to TOSH following the rehearsal and then grads are asked to be at the CUP, gowning up, by 6:15 p.m. that night.

SAFE GRAD FORMS AND MONEY: Permission forms were distributed to grads last week and are due back on June 13th with the $30 fee. Late forms may be accepted after that but the cost goes up to $50.
Next week's Blog will have detailed information about the Graduation Day and Safe Grad schedules, so stay tuned!

Bailey Craig working her Coop placement at Summerside Superstore


To Bailey Craig and Leanna Brown for creating the "Ultimate Grad Prank Video"! VERY funny stuff!!

To Emily Eddie, Brittany McLellan, and Ashley Perry for devoting their CMM 801 project to promoting the school store, The Axe Outlet! Great promo for TOAD, thanks!

To the members of the 85 Summerside Sea Cadets Corps (pictured above) who closed another successful year last week! TOSH award winners included:
Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Daniel Bridges - Best Uniform all Year, Colour Party/Guard Award, & Lord Strathcona Medal of Excellence

Chief Petty Officer Second Class (CPO2) Bailey Craig - Drill &Ceremonial Award, Most Proficient Sea Cadet

Chief Petty Officer Second Class (CPO2) Brandon Waite- PO2 Joey Cole Memorial Award to the Most Enthusiastic and Outstanding Sailor on board 85 Summerside Sea Cadet Corps, Navy League of Canada Sea Cadet Service Medal
for four years of Service

Master Seaman (MS) Noah Gallant - Divisional Award, Summerside Sea Cadet
Athletic Ability Award

To Lucas Donovan for earning his Brown belt in Karate!

To our ART 621 students for an excellent Senior Art Display at MacNaught House last week:
Rachel Mundy, Marcus Richard, Zach Theriault, Kayla Morrow, Sloane Rioux, Kayla Creelman, Hayley Simmons, Ceilidh Lapointe, Brandon Weeks, and Travis Birt!

To Rebecca Drummond and Reanna Graham for doing such a great job emceeing/presenting awards at the Athletic Banquet!

To Brandon Adams, Andrew Richardson, Andrew Brawn, Jaime MacLean, and Zach MacDonald for helping with clean up after the Athletic Banquet!

To the members of TOSH teams who brought home provincial medals this past week: Men's Softball-Bronze; Women's AA Rugby- Silver; Women's AAA Rugby- Silver; Men's AAA Rugby-Gold!

To our graduating students who received 2013 Extra-Curricular Award Certificates:
Alya Ahmed-Praught  -  Soccer, Rugby, Basketball Prom, Vimy, Class Officers.
Colin Arsenault – Basketball, Soccer, Softball.
Ellen Arsenault – Soccer, Basketball, Track, Student Council, Prom, Vimy , Rugby                                          and Ellen is the Valedictorian for the Graduating Class of 2013.
Joshua Arsenault- Soccer, Track and Field, Cross Country and Vimy.
Kayla Arsenault – Field Hockey, Rugby, People Helping People, Student Council,                                      Vimy, Cross country.
Emma Barlow – Volleyball, Basketball, Free the Children, Novel Selection committee, Eco-Ethics, Reach for the Top.
Wade Bernard – Volleyball, Concert Band, Rugby, Basketball, Vimy.
Marissa Blacquiere – Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Track, Vimy.
Grace Bowness – Bands, Music Council, Vimy, Reach for the Top, Publicity Chair for Class Officers.
Andrew Brawn – Soccer, Basketball, Rugby. Track, Vimy.
James Brown – Bands, Chorale Ensemble, Music Council.
Leanna Brown – Improv, Band, Extra-Curricular council.
Riley Cameron – Badminton and Rugby.
Becky Clark – Basketball, Rugby, Volleyball, Soccer, Track, Student Council, Vimy, Climate Crew, and Becky is a class officer.
Jillian Curley – Soccer, Badminton, Rugby, Track, Softball.
Matthew Dehmel – Rugby, Power lifting, Chorale Ensemble.
Michaella Donavan – Soccer, Rugby, Track,  Band, Chorale Ensemble, Student Council Community Works, Vimy.
Emmalee Dunn – Bands, Yearbook, Music Council, Bookstore and Community Works.
Andrew Farag – Envirothon, Reach for the top, Student Council Finance, Bookstore, Mathletes.
Adam Gallant – Basketball, Rugby, Vimy, Track, Reach for the Top.
Becca Gallant – Volley ball, Rugby, People Helping People, Extra-curricular Council, Eco-ethics, Vimy, Climate crew.
Erica Gillis – Soccer, Basketball, Rugby, Badminton, Track, Band, Reach for the top and Erica is a class officer.
Holly Hartlen – Field Hockey, Rugby, Track, cross country, Student council Community Works, Free the Children, Bookstore.
Sarah Jackshaw – Chorale Ensemble, Rugby, Free the Children.
Abbey MacEwen-Gallant – Field Hockey, Rugby.
Katie MacKay – Student Council, Band, Rugby, Reach for the Top, Tutoring, Chorale Ensemble and Katie is one of the videographers for Class Officers.
Luke MacKinnon – Volleyball, Badminton, Basketball.
Jaime MacLean – Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball, Rugby, Lunch Buddies, Student Council community Works, Climate Crew, Vimy.
Logan R MacLean – Band, Chorale Ensemble, Texas Hold em.
Zak McLure – Bands, Reach for the Top, Biology Club , Mathletes.
Abbey McQuaid – Soccer, Rugby, Basketball, Student Council, Reach for the Top, Prom, Vimy, Class Officers.
Hailie Melanson – Badminton, Field Hockey, Rugby, Free the Children, Track.
Rachel Mundy – Concert Band, Choral Ensemble.
Patrick Murray – Basketball, Rugby, Reach for the Top, Vimy.
Dakota Olivier – Concert Band, Chorale Ensemble, Music Council.
Katarina Oram – Chorale Ensemble, Bookstore, Band, Student Council Community Works.
Matt Oram – Basketball, Rugby, Volleyball.
Trevor Profitt – Bands, Music Council, Student Council Tech, Reach for the Top.
Andrew Rafuse – Basketball, Rugby, Soccer, Powerlifting, Track, Cross country.
Andrew Richardson – Soccer,  Badminton and Track.
Sloane Rioux – Basketball, soccer, Band, Chorale Ensemble.
Shanae Rogers – Bands, Chorale Ensemble, Music Council, Bookstore.
Bethany Smith – Volleyball, Softball.
Robbie Squires – Bands, Reach for the Top, Climate Crew.
Nathan Stavert – Rugby, Basketball, Vimy.
Hannah Steele – Volleyball, Basketball.
Veronica Sullivan – Bands, Yearbook, Reach for the Top.
Nicholas Tanton – Basketball, Rugby, Track, Cross Country, Soccer, Reach for the Top.
Luke Thompson – Basketball, Rugby, Bands, Reach for the Top.
Sarah Thususka – Volleyball, Rugby, Track, Student Council Community Works.
Chad Townsend – Rugby, Student Council, Chorale Ensemble, Track, Cross Country, Improv, Volleyball.
Michaela Walker -  Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Cross Country, Student Council, Eco-Ethics. 
Saralyn Williams – Rugby, Softball, Free the Children, Reach for the Top, Novel Selection Committee, Tutoring, Student Council Extra- Curricular & Tech Council, Eco-Ethics .
Carter Yeo – Rugby, Volleyball.

To our graduating students (pictured above) who received 2013 Extra-Curricular Award Pins:
Alya Ahmed-Praught  -  Soccer-3 years, Rugby- 3years, Basketball – 2 years, Prom, Vimy Research and Presentation, Mathletes, Athletic Council,  and Alya is the  Vice President of the Class of 2013.
Wade Bernard – Volleyball- 3 years, Concert Band- 3 years, Rugby- 1 year, Basketball- 1 year, and Vimy Research and Presentation.
Marissa Blacquiere – Soccer- 3 years, Basketball- 3 years, Softball- 2 years, Track- 2 years, - Cross Country - 1 year and Vimy Research and Presentation.
Andrew Brawn – Soccer- 3 years, Basketball- 3 years, Rugby- 3 years, Track and Field - 3 years, Minor Soccer 1 year and Vimy Research and Presentation.
Becky Clark – Basketball- 3 years, Rugby- 3 years, Volleyball- 2 years, Soccer- 1 year, Track and Field- 2 years, Student Council - 2 years, Vimy Research and Presentation, Minor Soccer – 1 year, Cross Country – 1 year, Climate Crew, and Becky is the President of the Graduating Class of 2013.
Michaella Donovan – Soccer- 3 years, Rugby- 3 years, Track- 2 years,  Band- 2 years, Chorale Ensemble- 1 year, Mathletes – 1 year, People Helping People – 1 year, Cross Country – 1 year, Student Council Community Works, and Vimy Research and Presentation.
Adam Gallant – Basketball - 3 years, Rugby- 2 years, Vimy Research and Presentation, Track- 1 year, Reach for the Top- 1 year.
Erica Gillis – Soccer- 3 years, Basketball- 3 years, Rugby- 3 years, Badminton- 2 years, Track and Field- 3 years, Band- 3 years, Reach for the top- 2 years, People Helping People -  2 years and Erica is the Secretary for the Class of 2013.
Jaime MacLean – Field Hockey- 3 years, Basketball- 3 years, Softball- 2 years, Rugby- 1 years, Lunch Buddies- 3 years, Student Council community Works- 1 year, Climate Crew- 1 year,and Vimy Research and Presentation.
Abbey McQuaid – Soccer- 3 years, Rugby- 3 years, Basketball- 2 years, Student Council- 2 years, Reach for the Top- 2 years, Prom- 1 year, Mathletes – 1 year, Vimy Research and Presentation, Abbey is  Reunion Chair for the Graduating class of 2013.
Matt Oram – Rugby- 3 years, Basketball- 2 years, Volleyball- 2 years, Mathletes - 1year and Minor Soccer - 1 year.
Andrew Rafuse – Basketball- 3 years, Rugby- 3 years, Soccer- 2 years, Power lifting- 3 years, Track and Field - 3 years, Cross country- 1 year and Mathletes – 1 year.
Sloane Rioux – Basketball- 3 years, soccer- 2 years, Band- 2 years, Chorale Ensemble- 1 year, and Badminton – 1 year.
Nicholas Tanton – Basketball- 3 years, Rugby- 3 years, Track and Field - 3 years, Cross Country- 3 years, Soccer- 1 year, Reach for the Top- 2 years and Mathletes – 1 year.
Luke Thompson – Basketball- 3 years, Rugby- 3 years, Concert Band - 3 years, Brass Ensemble – 1 year, Reach for the Top- 2 years Student Council – 1 year and Mathletes – 1 year.
Chad Townsend – Rugby- 3 years, Student Council - 3 years, Chorale Ensemble- 2 years, Track- 3 years, Cross Country- 3 years, Improv- 1 year, Volleyball- 1 year, Reach for the Top - 2 years, Biology Club – 1 year and Mathletes – 1 year.
Michaela Walker -  Volleyball - 3 years, Basketball- 3 years, Track and Field - 3 years, Cross Country- 3 years, Student Council- 3 years, Eco-Ethics- 1 year and People Helping People  - 1 year. 

To all TOSH Athletes who were recognized at the Athletic Awards Banquet Saturday evening, including our Female (Erica Gills) and Male (Andrew Rafuse) Athletes of the Year (pictured above)!:

Team Sports All-Stars:

Sarah Thususka
Becca Gallant
Laura O'Neill
Emma Kennedy
James Meek
Alex DesRoches
Andrew Richardson
Josh Arsenault
Jill Curley
Ellen Arsenault
Millee MacKay
Andrew Rafuse
Brady Arsenault
Erica Gillis
Becky Clark
Jaime Maclean
Michaela Walker
Laura O' Neill
Adam Gallant
Pat Murray
Colin Arsenault
James Meek

Carrie McGuire
Kaylee Campbell
Stacy Montgomery
Taylor McAulay
Jesse MacFarlane
Brett Arsenault
Logan O'Brien
Andrew Rafuse
Brandon Adams
Carter Yeo
Rowgan Barbour
Ty Wright
Alex Rose
Dan Fingler
Becky Clark
Holly Hartlen
Erica Gillis
Alya Ahned-Praught
Marilyn Herbert
Kristen Perry

Bethany Smith
Toni Geary
Brooke Blanchard
Jessica Stewart
Chase Gallant
Tyler Arsenault

TOSH PEISAA Academic Award Winners (Student athletes who play at least one major team sport or two individual sports and maintain a minimum academic average of 85%):
Alya Ahmed-Praught
Ellen Arsenault
Josh Arsenault
Kayla Arsenault
Emma Barlow
Marissa Blacquire
Andrew Brawn
Chelsey Bulger
Elliott Campbell
Becky Clark
Kennedy Clark
Jill Curley
Matthew Dehmel
Michaella Donovan- Highest Academic Standing (Female)
Adam Gallant
Becca Gallant
Janae Gallant
Erica Gillis
Sarah Jackshaw
CJ Kitts
Abbey MacEwen Gallant
Luke MacKinnon
Jaime MacLean
Abbey McQuaid
Hailie Melanson
Patrick Murray
Andrew Rafuse- Highest Academic Standing (Male)
Sloane Rioux
Bethany Smith
Clayton Smith
Nicholas Tanton
Wylie Tanton
Luke Thompson
Sarah Thususka
Chad Townsend
Michaela Walker

TOSH Athletics Award Winners:

Ryan Merrett- Rookie of the Year
David Meister- Rookie of the Year
Michaela Walker- Coach's Choice

Women's AA Basketball:
Taylor McAulay- Rookie of the Year
Millee MacKay- Most Dedicated
Brianna Arsenault- Most Valuable Player

Men's AA Basketball:
Colton Wadman- Rookie of the Year
Nathan Stavert- Heart and Soul Award
Andrew Rafuse- Most Valuable Player

Power Lifting:
Andrew Rafuse- Best Lifter
Clayton Smith- Most Improved

Matt Barlow- Rookie of the Year
Carrie McGuire- Most Dedicated
Jesse Cameron- Most Valuable Player

Track and Field:
Ryan Merrett- Coach's Choice
Michaela Walker- Top Female Athlete
Nick Tanton- Top Male Athlete

Men's Softball:
Wylie Tanton- Most Dedicated
Tyler Arsenault- Top Batter
Owen Arsenault- Most Valuable Player

Women's Softball:
Toni Geary- Coach's Choice
Jill Curley- Most Improved Player
Bethany Smith- Most Valuable Player

Emily MacArthur- Coach's Choice
Lucas Donovan- Coach's Choice
Legrit Soduko- Coach's Choice

Women's AAA Rugby:
Becky Clark- Most Valuable Back
Alya Ahmed-Praught- Most Valuable Forward
Erica Gillis- Most Valuable Player

Men's AAA Rugby:
Brandon Adams- Most Valuable Back
Carter Yeo- Most Valuable Forward
Julien Caron- Heart and Soul Award
Andrew Rafuse- Most Valuable Player

Field Hockey:
Reilly Doucet- Most Improved Player
Kayla Arsenault- Coach's Choice
Jaime MacLean- Most Valuable Player

Women's A Volleyball:
Emma Barlow- Coach's Choice
Becca Gallant- Coach's Choice
Sarah Thususka- Most Valuable Player

Men's AAA Volleyball:
Luke MacKinnon- Most Dedicated
Ty Wright- Most Improved
Alex DesRoches- Most Valuable Player

Women's AAA Volleyball:
Kennedy Clark- Leadership and Team Spirit Award
Kristyn Reeves- Rookie of the Year
Laura O'Neill- Most Valuable Player

Adam Cousins- Team Leader
Maria Dalton- Most Dedicated
Mackenzie Clow- Most Valuable Player

Men's AAA Soccer:
Josh Arsenault- Coach's Choice
Andrew Brawn- Most Dedicated
Andrew Richardson- Most Valuable Player

Women's AAA Soccer:
Carrie McGuire- Rookie of the Year
Jill Curley- Coach's Choice
Ellen Arsenault- Most Valuable Player

Women's AAA Basketball:
Ashley Simmons- Most Improved
Erica Gillis- Most Outstanding
Becky Clark- Most Valuable Player

Men's AAA Basketball:
Colin Arsenault- Offensive Player of the Year
Patrick Murray- Most Outstanding
Adam Gallant- Most Valuable Player

Men's A Rugby:
Colin Loerick- Coach's Choice
Connor Loerick- Coach's Choice
Tyler Jurowski- Most Dedicated
Logan O'Brien- Most Valuable Player

Women's A Rugby:
Carrie McGuire- Most Valuable Back
Kristyn Reeves- Most Valuable Forward
Lexi Drummond- Coach's Choice

TOSH Athletic Council Award Winner:  Jill Curley

Female Rookie of the Year:  Carrie McGuire
Male Rookie of the Year:  Ryan Merrett

Thank you to the members of our various Councils for their hard work in planning and executing an awesome event!!

Challenge:  Create a study space in your home and give your son/daughter lots of support and TLC during final exam week. This can be a stressful time for many but preparation is the best antidote for that!!

Quote of the Week:  "Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."~ Og Mandino

Have an awesome week!

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