Saturday, June 15, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 38

Rourke Perry's Final Exam "Happy Dance"! :)
Happy Final Monday of this School Year TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Looks like we made it!Well, almost!! Our Grade 10's and 11's will finish up their Block B final exam on Monday morning, and then it will be summer holidays for all TOSH students! Our graduates still have some business to take care of (checking the grad list on Tuesday, graduation rehearsal Thursday morning, and crossing the stage Thursday evening), but the hard work is over. If your son/daughter is finishing his/her time at Three Oaks, we will help you celebrate that accomplishment Thursday evening. If your child is a returning student, report card pick uo will take place in homeroom on June 25 (9-10:30 a.m.), and we will look forward to welcoming him/her back again on the first day of school in September!
I will be posting one final entry on this blog for this school year following graduation to publish the list of Honours students and individual prize winners, so stay tuned!

Upcoming Dates to Note in June:

**PLEASE NOTE: All exams begin at 9 a.m. and end at 11:30 a.m. Students who wish to leave the exam room early may do so when the early bell rings at 10:30 a.m. There will be no access to lockers until 11:30 a.m. and students must use the phone/exit the building through the gym hallway.**

18    Grad List Posted- 9 a.m. in TOSH main foyer
20    Graduation Breakfast- 9 a.m. in TOSH cafeteria
        Rehearsal- approx. 10:30 a.m. Buses leave from TOSH to the CUP (return approx. noon)
        Graduation- Credit Union Place- 7 p.m. sharp! (Open Admission)
        Safe Grad to follow
25    Report Cards distributed for Grades 10 & 11 in Homeroom: 9-10:30 a.m.
28    School Closes for the Summer!


Thursday evening, June 20, is going to be a big night (and an emotional one!) for those who have loved and supported our TOSH graduates through twelve or more years of public school education. Zach is my third child in three years to cross the TOSH grad stage, so I hope it helps you to know that I can empathize with the emotions you are feeling this week. I will be there on stage to proudly welcome your son/daughter and congratulate him/her on this important accomplishment. 

The ceremony starts at 7 p.m. SHARP, so please plan to arrive and be seated in the bowl area of Credit Union Place before that time. Only graduates, staff, and VIP's will be seated on the floor area, but there is no bad seat at the CUP and you will have lots of opportunity to take pictures during and following the ceremony. We have 275 graduates this year, and we have streamlined our program to aim for a two and a half hour event. The focus of that evening will be celebrating our graduates, and we are hoping that many will come out to help us do just that!

 **GRAD INFO:  Grads are asked to check the lists that are posted in the Main Foyer of the school to be sure that the names/wording is correct. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WILL BE READ ON STAGE when your son/daughter comes up to get his/her diploma, and we want to be sure we have it right! Some things to consider are: marital status (divorced parents may want names read separately rather than together, step-parents/parent partners included or not, names of deceased parents included (the "late") or not, etc.) Please check ,with your child to see that he/she did this (it will help save any hurt or bad feelings on graduation night) and let us know in the office right away if any changes need to be made. You can e mail changes to Mr. MacCormack, as well: We will also be checking the pronunciation of names with your child at rehearsal as needed.

**GRAD LIST:  The list of graduating students will be posted in the Main Foyer of the school at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, June 18. Grads are asked to pop in and confirm that their name is there following the exam results/final marks coming in!

**GRAD REHEARSAL:  All graduates are invited to attend the (free!) Grad Breakfast in the school cafeteria on June 20 at 9 a.m. Buses will leave from TOSH for the rehearsal at the CUP around 10:30 a.m. The class picture for the newspaper will be taken there that morning. This rehearsal allows all grads to see how things will flow during the "show" that evening, so it is important that all attend! Buses will return students to TOSH following the rehearsal (approx. noon).

**SAFE GRAD FORMS: Permission forms have been distributed to grads (extras are available in the Main Office) and were due back on June 13th with the $30 fee. Late forms may be accepted after that, but the cost goes up to $50. Please make sure signed forms are in and money returned ASAP!

**GRADUATION JUNE 20: All grads are asked to be at the CUP, gowning up in the banquet rooms, by 6:15 p.m. on June 20. There will be no access to the graduates for pictures before the ceremony begins and once gowns are on, grads are asked to stay in the change area. There will be ample opportunity for pictures to be taken with family and friends following the ceremony on the track and floor area.

**PICTURES AND VIDEO:  There will be a professional photographer at the front of the stage graduation night to take a professional photo of each graduate receiving his/her diploma. All graduates will be provided with a CD containing all photos taken that night-available from the school in the days following the graduation.
Grads will also be able to purchase a copy of the grad video from Mr. Jim Campbell (forms to complete). I believe the cost is $20 and copies are made available later in the summer.

**SAFE GRAD SCHEDULE: Grads who are registered for Safe Grad are asked to meet at Three Oaks by 10:30 p.m. following the graduation. The Safe Grad schedule is as follows:

10:30 p.m.          Food at the school! :)
11:15 p.m.          Grads board buses to Sandspit
12-2 a.m.            Sandspit
2:30-6:30 a.m.    Arrive back at TOSH for ice cream, blow up games, casino, various fun activities, hypnotist
6:30 a.m.            Pick Up/Head Home

**PARENT PARTICIPATION IN SAFE GRAD:  Parents who wish to contribute snacks for Safe Grad, or who would like to help supervise at the school that night, are asked to contact Dia-lynn Keough ASAP ( or 888-8460).

If your son/daughter is attending a post-secondary institution this fall, there is a sheet in Student Services at the school where he/she can indicate where we need to send the final transcript of marks. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT for your son/daughter to be confirmed for attendance at their post-secondary school in September. THEY COULD LOSE THEIR SPOT OTHERWISE! Please check to be sure that your son/daughter gave us this information, as we have been asking grads for weeks and not many are actually on file!


To Leanna Brown and Bloyce Walfield for representing our school and province (pictured above) so well at the National Skills Canada competition in Vancouver!

To the TOSH members of the Summerside Dolphin's Swim Club (pictured above) for finishing another successful year!

To Zach Graham (pictured above) for being recognized as a graduating swimmer with the SDSC at the swim banquet last week!

To Julia Campbell and Ian Hink (pictured above) for being recognized as the Female and Male Dolphin Swimmers of the Year at the SDSC swim banquet last week!

To Tanner Mendoza, Rebecca Drummond, and Bronwyn Bridges for agreeing to co-chair the Climate Crew for the 2013-2014 school year!

To the TOSH Members of the Summerside Community Choir for a wonderful 35th anniversary concert at Indian River Church last week!

To Justin MacEachern for being named President of the Student Government Council for 2013-2014 by acclamation! 

Challenge: Grade 12 Parents~Be present to celebrations around your graduate this week. They only graduate from high school once! Grade 10 and 11 Parents~Free housekeepers kicking around home this month for you to put to work! Bonus! :)

Quote of the Week:  "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."~ Dan Wilson

On behalf of our staff and administration, I would like to thank you for partnering with us this year. We look forward to the rest that this summer will offer us all and will welcome the 2013-2014 school year with open arms in September. Have a wonderful summer!


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