Monday, September 9, 2013

Nicole's Notes: (2013-2014 School Year) Volume 1 (Sept. 9/13)

Happy First Monday of the New School Year TOSH Parents and Guardians!!

I trust that everyone had a restful summer, and we were happy to welcome your son/daughter back to school on September 5! We had an excellent turn out for our Welcome Back Barbeque for new students on Sept. 4, and a HUGE kudos goes out to our newly formed "Climate Crew" (pictured here-->) for the work they have been doing from that day onward to make all students feel welcome and safe in our school.

Hopefully, you received a Welcome Letter home from me (via your child) with a space below for you to record your e mail address to be returned to school so that we can enter your information into SAS. If we have your address, you should get an e mail reminder from me each weekend letting you know that this blog has been updated. If you are not receiving those, just call the main office or e mail Jason Gallant, VP ( with your information. Course teachers may also be contacting parents via e mail throughout the semester, so it is important that your contact information be accurate in our system!

I will be using this blog as a way to keep you informed about upcoming dates and to celebrate the many "happenings" here at TOSH. I include a "Kudos To Our Kids" section each week, so if you know of TOSH students who are achieving greatness in activities in or outside school, please forward that information to me so that we can celebrate them! I usually post in time for Monday morning and I had everything ready to go Sunday evening, but when I hit the "publish" button, my two hours of work disappeared!! ARGH! Technology is great when it works!

We welcome some new faces to our staff this year:  Mr. Faber MacDonald, Mr. Andrew MacDougald, Ms. Beth Peters, Mr. Rick Sparkes, and Ms. Marlane MacNeill (EA). We also welcome back Mr. Mark Gregory and Mrs. Tracy MacDonald to year-long term positions and Mr. Richard Beaulieu as our full time Welding instructor. Semester 2, we will be welcoming Ms. Emma Boswell who will replace M. Mario Fiset when he goes off on leave in February.

Dates to Remember:
9-13      Welcome Back Week Activities (See Schedule Below)
              Presidents' Council Meeting at 11:45 a.m. (With Ms Haire in the Conference Room) 
14          Men's Volleyball Kick Off Tournament
16          Student Photos Begin
17          Student Photos continue
              CSLC 2013 Delegates Leave (Sept. 17-21)- 10 students and 4 teachers plus Ms Haire
19          Phil Boyte Assembly- 9:00 a.m.
              Meet the Teacher Night- 6:30-8:30 p.m. Begins in the Gym
20          Provincial Professional Learning Day- No classes!
25          PH Training Day (Peer Helpers and Ms. Peterson Out)
              Scholastic Awards Assembly- 10:30 a.m.
26          Grad Photos Begin
30          Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.

Bring Your Own Banana Promo!
The Activities Council has a week chock-full of fun activities to get our school community started off on a positive foot. The events include:
Monday:          Pancake Breakfast 7:30-8:50 a.m. in Caf
                        Skateboard and Plunger Races in 100's skylight at noon
Tuesday:         BYOB (Bring Your Own Banana!) at noon in Caf
Wednesday:    Jersey Day-Wear your favourite one!
                         Dodgeball in the Gym at noon
Thursday:       Green and Gold- Wear Yours!
                        School Dance- 8-11 p.m. in GYM ($5 admission;
                          $4 with  non-perishable food item)                                     Friday:         Scruff Day- Dress Uber Comfy!
                                                                           Coffee House at noon in Caf                                                                                                                        Club Fair- around Caf area at noon



LifeTouch Photography will be in the house on September 16 and 17 to take student photos. These can be ordered at a later date and all students will receive a student picture ID card. Retakes will be available Oct.23 if needed. Students will be called down for pictures by homeroom, so they should be ready for either day.

We are excited to be hosting motivational speaker, Phil Boyte, at TOSH on Sept. 19. Phil hails from California and helped provide the foundation for our school's climate work in 2011 when he involved more than 300 students in his "Breaking Down the Walls" program. This time around, Phil will address our school community at a full school assembly in the morning and then return to address parents at Meet the Teacher Night that same evening (6:30-8:30 p.m.).
For a sneak peek check him out at:


I will be visiting all students in their Block D class this week to personally welcome them to school and to review some of our expectations and hopes for each of them this year:
* That they try their best academically and ask for help as needed
* That they take advantage of the many supports we have in place (extra help classes, homework rooms (grade 10), Peer Helpers, etc.) to maximize their chance for academic success
* That they attend class every day and come prepared to work
* That they treat everyone they meet with respect and adhere to the school's behaviour policies

I will be reviewing all report cards at midterm (yup, all 800 of them!) in an effort to determine who should be celebrating and who might need some form of intervention before the end of the semester. Course teachers will do their best to keep parents informed of any academic concerns throughout the semester, as well.

Homeroom teachers are collecting student fees from their Block A students this week. If you have not done so already, please send $26 to school with your son/daughter ASAP. These fees cover:
* the rental of a locker/lock ($5 refund in June when the lock is returned)
* student picture ID card
* printing of school related documents on school printers
* graduation fee

Please note that students who do not pay their fees are not permitted to participate in extra-curricular groups, teams, or school activities (i.e. dances and proms).

Please contact me via phone (888-8460) or e mail ( if you have any questions or concerns about the payment of student fees.


Our first school (VIDEO!) dance of the year will take place this Thursday, Sept. 12 from 8-11 p.m. in the Gym. Admission is $5 or $4 with a non-perishable food item for the Food Bank. Wear your funkiest socks (colours, toe socks, whatever works!) and come out to have some fun to end Welcome Back Week off right!


There is a lot of evidence to support the fact that students who make a positive connection to their school enjoy their school experience more. There will be a Club Fair on Friday, Sept. 13 so that all students can see what clubs/Councils/groups currently exist in our school and allow them the opportunity to join one or more of them!


To Hannah Taylor for her silver medal win in Wrestling at this summer's Canada Games in Sherbrooke, Quebec!

To Nicole Gallant, Rebecca Drummond, Bronwyn Bridges, Tanner Mendoza, Charlie Steele, Jesse MacFarlane, Logan Maddix, Taylor McAulay, Brittan Turner, Jessica Campbell, Ty Wright, and Zak Farah for their work planning the Climate Crew welcome activities (in the summer even!!)!

To all the Grade 10 Homeroom Buddies for making our new students feel so welcome on Opening Day!

To Olivia Inman, Connor Loerick, Charlotte Sullivan, Julia Campbell, and Paige Rankin for offering their friendship to students new to our school on Monday!

To Charlie Steele for his awesome work with the school television broadcast system!

To Justin MacEachern for taking over the Teacher of the Week citation duties for the year!

To Jarrod Murray for helping a fellow student locate their acorn!

To Zak Farah for helping Mr. Lilly with the morning PA music this year!

To our Council Executive members for stepping up to lead their respective Councils this year:

Activities Council:
Nicole Gallant- President
Kristyn Reeves- Vice-President
Melissa MacKay- Communications Officer

Athletic Council:
Lauren Sheidow- President
Jesse MacFarlane- Vice-President
Brittan Turner- Communications Officer

Community Works Council:
Millee McKay- President
Kaitlin Morrison and Julia Richard- Vice-Presidents
Scott Richard and Bruce Ramsay- Public Relations Officers

Fundraising and Finance Council:
Aquila Bias and Serafina Calcaro- Lead Treasurers

Multi-Media Council:
Caitlin Carr- President
Rest TBA

Music Council:
Alex Casey- President
Christie-Anne Campbell- Grade 12 Vice-President
Rachel Brown- Grade 11 Vice-President
Jillian Russell- Communications Officer

Student Government Council:
Justin MacEachern- President
Shalynn Buss- Vice-President
Jill MacIntyre- Communications Officer

Challenge:  Encourage your son/daughter to check our the Club Fair on Friday and connect with at least one school group/club/team/Council this year!

Quote of the Week: " I looked on childrearing not only as a work of love and duty but as a profession that was fully interesting and challenging as any honourable profession in the world and one that demanded the best I could bring to it."~ Rose Kennedy 

This is a year of personal change and challenge for me as I saw my youngest child off to university this fall. I encourage you to cherish these TOSH years with your son/daughter (Believe me, they FLY!!), and we will do our very best to support them along the way!

Have a great week!

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