Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 2 (Sept. 16/13)

Rock, Paper, Scissors...Jurassic Style! :)
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Our first full week of school this year was chock-full of activities and fun! It is always a gamble how well things will go when you plan things, but our school community stepped WAY up! As a result, this proved to be one of our best starts ever! Thank you to all our students who organized, and participated in, the various Welcome Back Week events last week. To be honest, these things just can't happen without you!

Parents of Grade 10 students may also have heard some of what took place here the morning of Friday the 13th! We "surprised" our "Class of 2016" with a morning of "TOSH TEAM 2016" activities that allowed them to play a bit and talk to/get to know people in their class they may not have met before. The feedback from our students was overwhelmingly positive and many came up to me in the halls throughout lunch hour to thank me for giving them this opportunity to connect with others. Peter Bolo (Retired Leadership teacher/Athletic Director from Westisle) co-facilitated the morning with me and we were very pleased with the level of participation we witnessed from our kids. Thank you to our Climate Crew members who led the way by example and to the Grade 10 teachers who offered up their instructional time to come and get to know their students on another level. Here are some photos from that day and from Welcome Back Week in general. A huge KUDOS to Multi-Media Council President, Caitlin Carr, for capturing the magic on her trusty camera all week!!

Bring Your Own Banana Day!

Banana Splits...YUM!!

Activities Council "Scoopers"

Life is better with chocolate sauce!

Athletic Council sponsored Dodgeball!

Excellent form!

Video Dance Fever!

First dance in the Gym!

Put your hands in the air!

Beating the heat!

Brazilian Dance Moves!

Charlie capturing the fun!

TOSH TEAM 2016...Surprise! :)

" I WILL say hi to you in the halls!"

Human Knot...What now?!

Pre-Spartans Game Bonding!
Dates to Remember:
16          Student Photos Begin 
17          Student Photos continue
              CSLC 2013 Delegates Leave (Sept. 17-21)- 10 students and 4 teachers plus Ms Haire
19          Phil Boyte Assembly- 9:00 a.m. 
              Meet the Teacher Night- 6:30-8:30 p.m. Begins in the Gym
20          Provincial Professional Learning Day- No classes!
25          PH Training Day (Peer Helpers and Ms. Peterson Out)
              Scholastic Awards Assembly- 10:30 a.m. 
26          Grad Photos Begin
30          Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.

Symphonic Band (formerly known as Grade 10 Band): Mondays and Wednesdays at 8am
Wind Ensemble (formerly known as Senior Band): Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8am

"Time management Mondays" will begin Monday, September 23 at 12:00 with Ms. Peterson in the CSLC room (inside the Library). 

LifeTouch Photography will be in the house on September 16 and 17 to take student photos. These can be ordered at a later date and all students will receive a student picture ID card. Retakes will be available Oct.23 if needed. Students will be called down for pictures by homeroom, so they should be ready for either day.

We are excited to be hosting motivational speaker, Phil Boyte, at TOSH on Sept. 19. Phil hails from California and he helped provide the foundation for our school's climate work in 2011 when he involved more than 300 students in his "Breaking Down the Walls" program. This time around, Phil will address our school community at a full school assembly in the morning and then return to address parents at Meet the Teacher Night that same evening (6:30-8:30 p.m.).

For a sneak peek check him out at:

If you have not done so already, please send $26 to school with your son/daughter ASAP. These fees can be dropped off to Mrs. Rodgerson in the Main Office and they cover:
* the rental of a locker/lock ($5 refund in June when the lock is returned)
* student picture ID card
* printing of school related documents on school printers
* graduation fee

Please note that students who do not pay their fees are not permitted to participate in extra-curricular groups, teams, or school activities (i.e. dances and proms).

Please contact me via phone (888-8460) or e mail ( if you have any questions or concerns about the payment of student fees.

Research shows that students who eat breakfast have the fuel they need to power their brains for learning. Our TOSH Breakfast Program runs five mornings a week from 8 a.m. until bell time so that all TOSH students can make sure they eat before school starts for the day. This program receives a bit of funding, but not enough to cover the cost of running it five days/week. Monetary and food donations are always accepted, and we thank you in advance for supporting this initiative. The Breakfast Program is open to all students, and it will take all of us working together to keep it operating. If you want to know what kind of food to send, please call or e mail Tami Arsenault (YSW) at school: Monetary donations can be handed in at the Main Office and any cheques made payable to: Three Oaks Senior High School.

We start talking about planning for post-secondary studies as soon as your son/daughter enters our building in Grade 10. In their Grade 12 year, however, these discussions become even more time-sensitive and important for students. I will be providing updates throughout the year to let parents know when representatives from the various post-secondary schools will be at Three Oaks providing information on their programs. The timetable as it exists now is below and it is important for ALL parents to note that recruiters from a variety of universities, colleges, training programs, and recruitment offices will be on hand at our Career Day Fair in the gym the evening of October 21. Mark that date on your calendar, please!! This is open to the parents of ALL students (just in case you are looking ahead!!).


St Thomas University (Fredericton, NB)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Sept. 17th 
St. Francis Xavier (Antigonish, NS)
Hall by Student Services-Afternoon Recess
Sept. 18th
Oulton College (Moncton, NB)
Hall by Student Services- 11:43
Oct. 8th
Queens University (Kingston,Ont.)
Pre-registration required in Student Services- 11:30 in Lecture Theatre
Nov 4th
Mount Allison University (Sackville, NB)
Hall by Student Services- 11:43
Nov. 5th
Memorial  University of NFLD
(St. John’s, NL)
Evening session. Pre-registration requested. Open to the public , as well- 6:30 p.m. start in the  Lecture Theatre
Nov. 28th
TOSH Career Day
In the Gym: 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Open to parents and students (Students also visit the displays during the school day)
Oct. 21

The TOSH Free the Children/People Helping People club will be holding a run on Saturday, Sept. 28th to benefit our sister school in Kenya, Kduynu Secondary School.  The cost is $5 for students or $10 for adults. Runners can either participate in a 5 or 10 mile run. We're really trying to encourage students to participate in the run, but all adults from the larger community are welcome to participate, as well. 

Registration is at 8 a.m. and the run begins at 9 a.m.


To Morgan Dehmel, Lexi Drummond, Lisa Gallant, Reanna Graham, Rachel Murray, and Lauren Sheidow for representing our school at Encounters with Canada in Ottawa last week!

To Nicole Gallant, Noah Richardson, Kristyn Reeves, Melissa MacKay, Julie Campbell, Millee McKay, Jesse MacFarlane, Rebecca Drummond, Keira Gallant, and Samantha MacIntyre for representing our school and our province at the Canadian Student Leadership Conference this week at Montague Regional High School!

To Jesse MacFarlane for coming out on top as the Rock, Paper, Scissors "King T-Rex" at our TOSH Team 2016 event on Friday! 

To Spencer Groom and Matt Gardiner who played soccer in Winsloe this summer because there was no team in their age category in Summerside and their team won provincials! They are heading to Nationals in Kamloops BC in October. Congratulations!

To Charlie Steele for the great video work he did at the dance!

To all students who performed in the Coffee House on Friday!

To all students who wore their jerseys on Wednesday and dressed up in Green and Gold on Thursday! Great school spirit!

To all students who "manned" their respective club/group booths during the Club Fair on Friday at noon!

To Alex Casey for agreeing to thank Phil Boyte after his presentation this Thursday!

Challenge:  Plan to attend our Meet the Teacher evening on Thursday, Sept. 19 beginning at 6:30 p.m. sharp in the Gym!

Quote of the Week: "The one thing about being a parent is the ability to be selfless: To give up the things you want and need for the benefit of someone else."~ Danny McBride 

Have a wonderful week!

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