Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 3 (Sept. 23/13)

Best looking CSLC 2013 delegation there! :-)
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

What an awesome week we had at CSLC 2013 hosted by Montague Regional High School in Montague, PEI! The staff and students of MRHS are to be commended for the incredible amount of work they put into two years of planning for this event. Our 10 TOSH  student and 4 teacher advisor delegates joined almost 1000 others from across Canada for five days of leadership speakers, workshops, networking opportunities, spirit, and nation building. The schedule was jam packed with learning opportunities, and I know that our TOSH representatives will bring their enthusiasm and new ideas back to share with our school community!

My October Adventure... 
I announced at Meet the Teacher Night that I will be taking a leave of absence for surgery and will be out for at least four weeks beginning on October 3Jason Gallant (VP) will be Acting Principal in my absence and Faber MacDonald (who is currently teaching Science courses) will be Acting Vice-Principal. I promise to follow doctor's orders (despite my nature!) and rest so that I can get back to school as soon as possible.

Notes from Meet the Teacher Night!
In order for our students to experience academic success at TOSH, there must be three partners working together: the School, the Parents/Guardians, and the Student.

Whenever you see the "three legged stool" icon on my blog, it means that we need your help! Please read the following list of commitments below and know that we, the school, are on your team! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school (888-8460) or via e mail:

The School's Commitment to Student Learning Means We Will...
Ensure a safe space for all students to come each day to learn
Make positive connections with students on a professional and, sometimes, more personal level
Maintain up to date records of attendance (daily) and student progress (bi-weekly) on SAS as feedback for parents/guardians and students
Maintain communication with parents/guardians (via phone and/or e mail) when there is cause for concern and/or celebration
Encourage students to always try their best and offer help and support during school hours

The Necessary Commitment to Student Learning from Parents/Guardians Means...
Ensuring that students have their basic needs met
Offering a quiet place for homework and study
Contacting the teacher/school if there are extenuating life circumstances/events that might get in the way of a student’s learning
Talking with your son/daughter about school: How it’s going, if they need any help they are not currently receiving, and then alerting the teacher/school if necessary
Ensuring that students miss as little instructional time as possible. Please note that family trips outside the usual vacation periods, while valuable, fall under the "Unexcused Absence" category and the student will be responsible to request work ahead of time and/or catch up when they return. The office must also be alerted in advance of any extended absence, please and thanks!
Reinforcing school policies from home such as the Dress Code, Cell Phone, and Safe School policies

The Necessary Commitment to Their Own Learning from the Student Means...
Coming to class on time each day with materials in hand and ready to learn
Giving teachers ample notice if they must miss class time and then taking responsibility for the class work missed
Handing assigned work in on the due date. Our policy around late assignments was reviewed (see below).
Alerting the teacher or other support staff if they find learning difficult and need some support with their course work
Treating others (staff and students) with respect and behaving in a way that respects the school policies found in their Student Agenda

Dates to Remember:
16          Student Photos Begin 
17          Student Photos continue
              CSLC 2013 Delegates Leave (Sept. 17-21)- 10 students and 4 teachers plus Ms Haire
19          Phil Boyte Assembly- 9:00 a.m. 
              Meet the Teacher Night- 6:30-8:30 p.m. Begins in the Gym
20          Provincial Professional Learning Day- No classes!
25          PH Training Day (Peer Helpers and Ms. Peterson Out)
              Scholastic Awards Assembly- 10:30 a.m. 
26          Grad Photos Begin
30          Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.

2            Nicole's Last Day Before Leave
14          Thanksgiving-No Classes
17-18    Annual Teachers' Convention-No Classes
21          Career Day         
23          Student Photo Retakes


Students are asked use their time management skills and respect due dates for assignments. We need to assess students in a timely manner so that the feedback can be connected to the learning that took place. We are also mandated by the PEI Department of Education to only assign summative marks (marks that "count" in the final average) to outcomes found in the curriculum. That means that we will not longer be taking a percentage of the mark off for work handed in late unless a time management outcome appears in a particular course's curriculum guide.

Our teachers will help set students up for success in this regard by:
* sharing with students how the assignment criteria will be marked prior to the assignment work beginning
* give ample time for assignment completion
* check in throughout the process to see if the student is on track to finish on time
* discuss any concerns they may have about the student's progress and/or pace of completion with the student and the parent
* make accommodations when warranted (special circumstances)

GRADE 10:  We see Grade 10 to be a transition year that requires a bit of a "softer" landing. For this reason, teachers will allow Grade 10 students to negotiate a different due date for assignments, if necessary, within 2 weeks after the due date, as long as the conversation about the change happens before the day the assignment is due. That new, negotiated date then becomes the student's new assignment due date, and we will expect him/her to honour that. If not, teachers will indicate "NHI" (Not Handed In) on SAS which translates to a mark of zero. Please note that there are homework rooms available every day at noon to Grade 10 students. These are located in Room 619 and 620 and are staffed by core subject teachers who can offer support in Math/Science and English/Social Studies. 

GRADE 11 and 12:  Teachers will do their part (listed above) and the expectation will be that students will hand their assignments in on or before the due date. If a student does not hand in an assignment on time, the teacher will indicate "NHI" (Not Handed In) on SAS which translates to a mark of zero. 

You can help by knowing what assignments your son/daughter has due and helping him/her manage the time it will take to get everything completed by the due date. Also, if your son/daughter is struggling in a particular course, please let us know in the office and we will do our best to provide supports that might help. 


Ms. Peterson will be hosting sessions in the CSLC room (inside the Library) on Mondays for students who would like to learn time management strategies. Having good time management skills can lead to greater success in school (and in life!). These sessions begin on Monday, September 23 at 12:00. 

Research shows that students who eat breakfast have the fuel they need to power their brains for learning. Our TOSH Breakfast Program runs five mornings a week from 8 a.m. until bell time so that all TOSH students can make sure they eat before school starts for the day. This program receives a bit of funding, but not enough to cover the cost of running it five days/week. Monetary and food donations are always accepted, and we thank you in advance for supporting this initiative. The Breakfast Program is open to all students, and it will take all of us working together to keep it operating. If you want to know what kind of food to send, please call or e mail Tami Arsenault (YSW) at school: 
Monetary donations can be handed in at the Main Office and any cheques made payable to: Three Oaks Senior High School.


Naval Reserve and Military Display
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Military bus display at noon in the front parking lot
Oct. 1st
Oulton College (Moncton, NB)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Oct. 8th
Dalhousie Open House
Dalhousie University, Halifax,NS
Register by Oct. 15. Open House is Oct. 18th
Universite Sainte Anne (Church Point, NS)
Student Services
10:30 a.m. Oct. 23rd
TOSH Career Day
In the Gym: 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Open to parents and students (Students also visit the displays during the school day)
Oct. 21
McGill Open House
McGill University (Montreal, QC)
Oct. 27th
Queens University (Kingston,Ont.)
Pre-registration required in Student Services-11:30 in Lecture Theatre
Nov 4th
Mount Allison University (Sackville, NB)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Nov. 5th
Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS)
Hall by Student Services-11:43
Nov. 25th
Memorial  University of NFLD
(St. John’s, NL)
Evening session. Pre-registration requested. Open to the public , as well- 6:30 p.m. start in the  Lecture Theatre
Nov. 28th

** Any parents/guardians willing to present an information session about their job during Career Day at TOSH is asked to contact Mr. Jim Donovan:

The TOSH Free the Children/People Helping People club will be holding a run on Saturday, Sept. 28th to benefit our sister school in Kenya, Kduynu Secondary School.  The cost is $5 for students or $10 for adults. Runners can either participate in a 5 or 10 mile run. We're really trying to encourage students to participate in the run, but all adults from the larger community are welcome to participate, as well. 

Registration is at 8 a.m. and the run begins at 9 a.m.


This Wednesday, Sept. 25 we will be honouring students who, during the 2012-2013 school year, achieved academic excellence in their studies through our Academic Awards Assembly. Students will be recognized for having the highest mark in a particular course and/or for achieving Honours standing (criteria is listed in the Course Handbook). I am sure there will be some pictures taken, so stay tuned to next week's blog for the celebration!

Our Athletic Council and Leadership 621 students will be organizing our Annual TOSH Terry Fox Walk on Friday, Sept. 27 in the afternoon. Although our event is relatively brief, it still goes a long way to raise our school's awareness of the need for continued fundraising in the area of cancer research. Students can bring in donations and any monies received from outside community members will be added into our school total donation. Please remind your son/daughter to wear Red and White to school that day and pack an extra twonie or two for the cause!

Zach Graham-TOSH Class of  2013

Grab the Kleenex, Grade 12 parents! Heckbert's Studios will be here at Three Oaks over the next few weeks to take pictures of our graduates. It is also possible for you to make arrangements to have pictures taken at their studio on Water Street East for the same sitting cost of $20. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the Main Foyer for grads to choose a date/time. After that, they just need to come to the photo area at their assigned time looking good! :) We have the grad gowns, etc. All they need is tidy hair, a clean face, and a smile!

Credit Union Place is hosting a gathering for grandparents on Monday mornings that will offer a place for information gathering, learning and support for grandparents who are taking an active part in their grandchildren's lives. Facilitators are Rev. Andrew Richardson, Pat Poirier, Pam MacKinnon,and Arlene MacInnis. There is no cost to this program and tea and coffee will be provided. For more information, please call the East Prince Seniors Initiative at 888-2177.

Alex Rose helps Aidan Smith bundle up!


To Bronwyn Bridges for representing our school at Encounters With Canada in Ottawa this week!

To Jacob Brown for earning his Silver Duke of Edinburgh medal, as well as the Lord Strathcona Medal and other accolades for his accomplishments in Army Cadets!

To our exchange students from Brazil who have made a very successful transition to life and school in Summerside! They will be studying here for the first semester and are thriving thanks to the love and support of their Summerside host families. Anyone wishing more information about becoming a host family to an international exchange student in the future can contact Mr. Donovan in Student Services. 

To our dedicated fans for braving the cold rain to cheer our Men's Soccer team onto victory against KISH last week!

To Ms. Barrett's ENG 611 class for putting so much creativity into their excellent "Mythology Pageant"!

Challenge: Make sure that you have a SAS log in and password so that you can stay on top of your child's attendance and academic progress this school year. If you do not have one, please call Mr. Jason Gallant at the school or e mail him at: We would like to have all parent/guardian e mail address in our system asap, as well. If you did not receive a reminder about this blog update, then we do not have yours!

Quote of the Week:  "All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them."~ Magic Johnson

Have an awesome week!

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