Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 29

Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

As I am sure you are aware from recent local media coverage, we had an "interesting" week at our school when it was discovered that a staff password had been used by students to access school data on line via SAS.  I commend our instructional staff for their prompt attention to the extra work it took to verify their marks and attendance records in search of any discrepancies, and we thank the ELSB senior team members for their support. All staff passwords have now been changed and we are continuing our investigation into this matter. A letter from Superintendent Cynthia Fleet will be sent home via our students on Monday. I will update you further when I know everything has been resolved.

On a more positive note, our student Climate Crew is in full swing with their planning of events to enhance positive school climate during the next few months. Please mark your calendars now for the evenings of May 16 ("Bully" movie showing at TOSH- 7 p.m.) and May 30 ("Standing for the Silent" evening featuring a presentation by Kirk Smalley at TOSH- 7 p.m. Kirk is the father in the "Bully" video from Oklahoma who lost his 11 year old son to suicide as a result of the bullying he endured). Both events are a combined effort of the Three Oaks Parent Council and TOSH Climate Crew.

Upcoming Dates to Note:
8         Parent Council Meeting- 6:30 p.m.
11       Parent Teacher Interviews (After school and evening)
12       Parent Teacher Interviews (Daytime)
18       Semester 2 Progress Report Cards Home
19       30 Hour Famine Overnight Event
23-25  Climate Workshop Days
26       PD Day- No Classes
30       Band Trip to Ottawa

3        Area Association Day- No Classes
3-4     Voye Rugby Tournament
6        Band Returns from Ottawa
6-10    DELF Testing for Grade 12 FI Students
7        Presidents' Council Meeting (11:45 a.m.)
20      Victoria Day- No Classes
25      Grad Prom
30      "Standing for the Silent": Kirk Smalley presentation to parents- 7 p.m.
31      Kirk Smalley Keynote- Full School Assembly

Tickets for GAME 3 of the Final playoff series between the Summerside Storm and London Lightning on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 at 7 p.m. at Credit Union Place can be purchased through the Phys Ed Office or Main Office at TOSH for $5. If needed, GAME 4 will take place on Friday, April 12 at 7 p.m. All proceeds from these ticket sales goes to TOSH Athletics. Come out and show your support of our Summerside Storm steam as they vie for the NBL Canada Championship title! Remember to WEAR WHITE!


There is a Parent Council meeting scheduled for this Monday, April 8 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the TOSH Library. All TOSH Parents and Guardians are welcome to attend and you are encouraged to bring a friend! It helps us to have a variety of perspectives and input. Hope to see you there!

Please mark your calendar for the evening of Thursday, April 11 (3:50-5 and 6-9 p.m.), or the day of Friday, April 12 (9-12 and 1-2 p.m.), and plan to attend Parent Teacher Interviews with your son/daughter's teacher(s). This will give you a chance to discuss his/her progress to date this semester. We want all our students achieving at maximum academic capacity and this takes teamwork between the school, the parents/guardians, and...of course, the student! I would encourage you to bring your son/daughter along with you for the ride. High school students should be taking ownership of their own learning, and what better way than to have everyone around the same table?! If your child does not bring home an interview sign up form this coming week, simply call the school yourself (888-8460) to indicate that you would like appointments set up.


TOSH Band members are selling tickets on a great collaboration concert happening Friday, April 12 (7-9pm) at Ecole Sur Mer.  The concert features several very talented students from the band program playing a variety of styles (Celtic, pop, rock, folk) followed by the Johnny Oliver Band.  Tickets are $10 and can be purchased from any band member or Ms. Carruthers (  Your support will be appreciated as this is the last fundraising event before our band leaves for their trip to Ottawa on April 30!

The TOSH students who will be traveling to Belgium and France for Remembrance Day 2013 have begun fundraising for this educational adventure. They will be hosting bake sales at the school every second Wednesday beginning this week (April 10) and running until TOAD day in June. Thank you in advance for your support, as these particular EF trips help our students learn about-and ultimately come to appreciate-the life stories of our veterans.


We are fortunate to have a very capable Student Support Team at our school that involves Counselors, Learning Support and Resource Teachers, our Youth Service Worker, Independent Study and Cohort Class Teachers, our EPPY Coordinator, and Administration. It helps us in creating support plans around students to know if there are outside agencies involved with a child's care: Mental Health, Addictions Services, Child and Family, Justice, etc. If your child is receiving support services outside the school, please contact Nicole and we will do our best to work with these agencies in the best interest of your child.

Justin MacEachern and Erin George volunteering their time at PCH!

To the following students who will be sharing their talent by performing in the fundraising concert at Ecole Sur Mer on Friday evening!: Dakota Oliver, James Brown, Trevor Profitt, Logan Maddix, Rachel Brown, Alex Casey, Devin Paynter, Zak Doucette, Noel Waite, and Melissa MacKay.

To the following TOSH artists whose work was chosen for this month's "Principal's Choice Award"!: Emily McKinnon, Mallory Reeves, Rachel Brown. Work is displayed in the Main Office! :-)

To the badminton players who participated in the tournament this weekend!

To the members of Mrs. Callbeck's and Mrs. MacDonald's Grade 10 MAT 421 classes for their excellent "Hole in One" PBL projects! Below are pictures of some of the booths that I visited during their presentation night on Thursday:

To the following who volunteered their time as "judges" for the Math 421 PBL event:  Mikael Thomas, Charlotte Thompson, Abbey MacEwen-Gallant, and Jessica V. Campbell!

To Michael Thompson for his help in locating ping pong tables for the Athletic Council to use in the school!

Challenge:  Come join us for Parent Teacher interviews this week! If you can't make it, use the school website ( to find teacher addresses so that you can touch base with your son/daughter's teachers for an update on his/her progress. Whatever we can all do together to help our students help themselves academically will go a long way towards ensuring their future success!

Quote of the Week:  "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."~ William James

Have a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you Wednesday/Thursday!

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