Sunday, April 14, 2013

Nicole's Notes: Volume 30 (April 15, 2013)

Millee McKay and Mr. Oulton
Happy Monday TOSH Parents and Guardians!

Thank you to all who came out for Parent Teacher Interviews last week. We realize that some of you tried to book times but couldn't get in and/or had commitments that prevented you from getting in during the times that were available. Please know that our teachers are always willing to discuss your son/daughter's progress and you don't have to wait for a "special" night to do this! Feel free to e mail anytime you wish to connect. All staff e mails can be found on our school's website:

Our student Climate Crew is in full swing with their planning of events to enhance positive school climate during the next few months.Please mark your calendars now for the evenings of May 16 ("Bully" movie showing at TOSH- 7 p.m.) and May 30 ("Standing for the Silent" evening featuring a presentation by Kirk Smalley at TOSH- 7 p.m. Kirk is the father in the "Bully" video from Oklahoma who lost his 11 year old son to suicide as a result of the bullying he endured). Both events are a combined effort of the Three Oaks Parent Council and TOSH Climate Crew and we will be opening both events up to community members and parents from other schools who wish to come.


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate some of our staff members on their recent accomplishments:

To Jennifer Halupa, Rochelle Sullivan, Joel Arsenault, and Mark Gregory for completing their Master of Education degrees (Leadership) from UPEI!

To Mike MacKinnon for being recognized by Sport PEI as their "Master Athlete of the Year"!

To Nola Noye from our cleaning staff who recently achieved her GED certificate!


Ms. Haire with Josiah Turner

Brett Poirier with Al Stewart and Greg Plummer

We would like to congratulate our Summerside Storm basketball team on an awesome season! They came second overall in the NBL of Canada and are celebrating by hosting an event for their fans at Credit Union Place on Monday, April 15 at 7 p.m. I would like to thank the TOSH families who opened their homes and hearts to these players this year by "adopting" them for a meal each week. Your generosity and hospitality made their stay in Summerside more like "home", and I know you will be an important part of their memories of their time here. Thanks for setting the hospitality "bar" so high, Three Oaks!

Upcoming Dates to Note:

18       Semester 2 Progress Report Cards Home
19       30 Hour Famine Overnight Event and Day of Silence
23-25  Climate Workshop Days
26       PD Day- No Classes
30       Band Trip to Ottawa

3        Area Association Day- No Classes
3-4     Voye Rugby Tournament
6        Band Returns from Ottawa
6-10    DELF Testing for Grade 12 FI Students
7        Presidents' Council Meeting (11:45 a.m.)
15      Badminton Zones- Single (KISH @ 3 p.m.)
18      Badminton Zones- Doubles (TOSH @ 3 p.m.)
20      Victoria Day- No Classes
25      Grad Prom
          PEISAA Badminton Championships (and 27th)
30      "Standing for the Silent": Kirk Smalley presentation to parents- 7 p.m.
31      Kirk Smalley Keynote- Full School Assembly

We will be sending home Midterm Progress Reports with students this Thursday, April 18. Just a heads up so that you can ask to see your son's or daughter's report card when they get home that day. Please note that this is a record of assessments completed to date in each course and does NOT represent "half the final mark'as midterm reports used to "back in the day". Assignments that students complete during the semester have different "weightings", and some of the more heavily weighted assessments are likely still to come. High marks on this report card are a good indication of progress to date but are not a good reason to "relax and ride the wave" to the end of the year! We  encourage all students to bring their best effort to everything they do in each course so that their final marks will be a true reflection of their ability rather than their work ethic!  I encourage you to read the teacher comments on the report card for some good, descriptive feedback about how things are actually going. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher directly.

Our final school dance of the year is this Thursday, April 18 from 8-11 p.m. Admission is $5, and we encourage all students to come out, have some fun with friends, and celebrate the halfway point of Semester 2! This is the last regular TOSH dance for our grads before prom, so I would encourage our seniors to set the tone for the younger grades...maybe even teach them some dance moves!! 

The annual World Vision 30 Hour Famine overnight event is being held at the school this Friday, April 19. Students who have handed in at least $30 in pledges are welcome to join us for a night of fun events and awareness activities. This is organized by the Community Works Council, and TOSH has consistently been a top fundraising school since we began hosting this event over a decade ago. Participating students try to go without food (within reason) for 30 hours. This begins at midnight on Thursday and follows through until the event ends at 7 a.m. on Saturday morning. We provide lots of hydration for participants (juice and freezies) during the day at school and throughout the Famine event, as well as a late night bowl of rice. We don't want participants to feel sick or weak, so please encourage your son/daughter to take in something small if needed. The purpose is to raise student awareness about world hunger, not send people to the hospital!!

Our Climate Crew is inviting TOSH staff and students to voluntarily participate in GLSEN's 18th annual "Day of Silence", a student-led day of action to raise awareness about anti-LGBT bullying, harassment, and discrimination. The premise of this day is that every student-regardless of his/her sexual orientation-deserves to go to school in a safe and respectful environment. In fact, that is our wish for EVERYONE in our building! Staff and students wishing to show their support can wear a sticker for the day indicating this. We also encourage all members of our TOSH community to be aware of their use of words in everyday conversation. Expressions like, "That's so GAY!", can be very hurtful to those who are most affected, and we encourage everyone to simply "choose another word". It's a start.


To Ian Hink and Shobbitha Balasubramaniam for being accepted to UPEI Math Camp this summer!

To Shobbitha Balasubramaniam for being invited to attend the University of Waterloo's Computer Science Workshop for Young Women in Ontario May 25-June 1!

To Brad Murphy for earning the right to compete (for the 7th time in his career!!) at the Youth Bowling Canada (YBC) Nationals!

To Zak McLure, Mason Carragher, Jessica Gillis, and Veronica Sullivan for representing our school so well and for placing 2nd at the regional playoffs for Reach for the Top in Nova Scotia!

To Justin MacEachern for being so helpful towards one of our student teachers! His kindness was much appreciated by her!

To Clayton Smith for being awarded 2nd Place in the 165 lb weight class at Power Lifting Provincials!

Challenge:  Look for those Progress Report Cards on Thursday and take some time to review marks and teacher comments with your son/daughter. It is not too late to make a change for the better, if needed, and if things are going well, encourage your child to stay the course over the remaining 8 weeks!

Quote of the Week:  "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."~ William Shakespeare

Have a wonderful week! 

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